Folklore and Short Stories

KG Mach writes a brand of fiction she calls ‘reimagined folklore.’ What does that mean? Well,… think of a fractured fairy tale. Some stories have recognizable characters and themes while others may feel completely new. Reimagined folklore has the style and feel of folklore but with a new ‘spin and twist’ of the wheel.

  • The Ghosts of Mistik Fort (a Connecticut ghost story, MG)
  • Whittle and Sew (a mountain tale, MG)
  • Moth Girl (YA)
  • Death Falls in Love (YA)
  • Devil’s Hopyard (a Connecticut folklore story, MG)
  • The Shoemaker of Siberia (a WWII reimagined folktale)
  • Heart Beets
  • Painted Town (WWII)
  • The Stitcher Woman (adult)
  • Apple Blossom Star (MG)
  • A Fetching Prize (The Emperor’s Clothes retelling, children’s)
  • Rosehips (MG)
  • Two Princesses and a Pea (MG)
  • The Four Winds (MG)
  • Weaver Girl (MG)